產後康復 – Restoring Mums http://restoringmums.com.cn Jamu Massage | Abdominal Binding | Postpartum Wellness Restoring Mums Sun, 27 Sep 2020 02:04:27 +0000 zh-TW hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.10 如何正確使用產後綁腹帶 http://restoringmums.com.cn/portfolio-posts/proper-use-of-postpartum-corset/ http://restoringmums.com.cn/portfolio-posts/proper-use-of-postpartum-corset/#respond Thu, 27 Sep 2018 11:10:44 +0000 http://restoringmums.com.cn/portfolio-posts/proper-use-of-postpartum-corset/ Belly wrap and waist cincher are large belt or wrap wor […]

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Belly wrap and waist cincher are large belt or wrap worn across the waist. They are great tools to trim your postpartum waistline and abdomen. Many over-enthusiastic mums fasten the wrap too tightly in order to shrink their abdomen. Shrink it they will, but when there is so much inward pressure on the abdomen, you are also creating a potentially harmful downward pressure on the womb and pelvic floor muscles.

The post 如何正確使用產後綁腹帶 appeared first on Restoring Mums.

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